
On this page you can find some freely downloadable materials

All, unless otherwise indicated, are available according to: Creative Commons License

Maps as Tool for Participation.
Lecture in the Caritalents course. Barbados, June 2015

Looking from below. Heritage and everyday life
Lecture in the Caritalents course. Barbados, June 2015

Participation and territorial planning. Some reflection on five years of an institutional experiment in Tuscany
paper for the conference RC21, Berlin 2013

La città vista dal basso. Mappature lungo il cammino
Lecture at the Phd Program of City, Territory and Landscape Design

Teoria e applicazioni per il dimensionamento dei piani urbanistici. Una ricerca sulla carrying capacity nel contesto del modello di governo del territorio toscano
Workshop at IUAV Venezia – November 2010 (2,1MB)

Local communities and the production of territory. Citizen participation in some experience of urban planning in Tuscany
19 th INURA Conference – Istanbul June 2009 (1,5MB)

Citizens participation in urban and territorial planning in Tuscany. From non to re regulation
18 th INURA Conference – Athens 8 October 2008 (2MB)