- A short speech for #mycityoftomorrow

Urban life, spin off of the University of Florence, launched the initiative #mycityoftomorrow, a reflection ...
- What does living in a space mean to you? By Paola Boscaini

Paola Boscaini made this video from her graduation thesis. The visions it contains give us ...
- Giovanni Michelucci. The thirty anniversary of his death: an opportunity to visit the home-studio

Before the celebrations for the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Giovanni Michelucci (1990-2020) which ...
- Just a Simple House. By Alice Giordano

Just a Simple House. Migration and hospitality on the border of the Florentine plain, is ...
- Space and images. Bodies, spaces, architectures

Third in a series of books (Urban icons, In-between spaces), this is the result of ...
- Cities at the time of Covid

Urban public space is a space of relationships, marked by bodies, meetings, randomness, by a ...
- In the midst of things. Cities and in-between spaces. A book by Iacopo Zetti and Maddalena Rossi

The book “In mezzo alle cose” has won the INU Urbanism Literature 2020 award in ...
- Delhi. Density and rarefaction

According to some sources Delhi is the world’s most populous metropolis. 22 million souls inhabit ...
- Inland Habana

Inlandsis is the word that identifies Antarctica and Goenlandia and literally identifies a glacier inside ...
- The post-socialist city. Budapest between globalization and past heritage

1989 is the year of the definitive disappearance of the bloc of the socialist republics ...
- Florentine countergeographies

A tour in the city of Florence “built” by the inhabitants
The body has its own ...
- Travel notes – Iacopo Zetti
I had the opportunity, for a series of reasons, to cross Florence in the morning ...
- Social distancing in the park: Zurich – Philipp Klaus
Social distancing in the park: Zurich - Philipp Klaus