Giovanni Michelucci. The thirty anniversary of his death: an opportunity to visit the home-studio

Before the celebrations for the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Giovanni Michelucci (1990-2020) which falls on December 31, 2020, the Giovanni Michelucci Foundation with the Tuscany Region and the Municipality of Fiesole, promotes “Giovanni Michelucci at Villa Il Roseto: The home-studio of the master”, a cycle of guided tours and meetings from 16 October to 28 November 2020. Here the program

A short speech for #mycityoftomorrow

Urban life, spin off of the University of Florence, launched the initiative #mycityoftomorrow, a reflection on the city of tomorrow in the light of the current pandemic crisis. I contributed with a brief reflection (Italian): while the page to access the various comments is here:

In the midst of things. Cities and in-between spaces. A book by Iacopo Zetti and Maddalena Rossi

The book “In mezzo alle cose” has won the INU Urbanism Literature 2020 award in section monograph. The book relates a research experience that focused on in-between. Places on the margin of urban centralities, even when inside them, pieces of countryside escaped to buildings, small lots that make friction to the flow of the built environment that invades the valley bottom, errors of rational planning, brownfield, portions of infrastructures and