Space and images. Bodies, spaces, architectures

Third in a series of books (Urban icons, In-between spaces), this is the result of a seminar on “photography as an urban survey tool” held at the Department of Architecture of the University of Florence during 2019. Hanno curato il seminario: Iacopo Zetti, Davide Virdis, Maddalena Rossi, Susanna Cerri e Fabio Lucchesi Students are:Niccolò Apigalli, Arianna Barbugli, Veronica Braccini, Francesca Contestabile Ciaccio, Floriana Buzzanca, Giulia Balducci, Alessandro Graziuso, Salvatore Mallamace,

Just a Simple House. By Alice Giordano

Just a Simple House. Migration and hospitality on the border of the Florentine plain, is Alice Giordano’s master’s degree thesis in architecture. “Living is moving from one space to another, trying as much as possible not to get too hurt” (Perec, 1989) Alice Giordano’s thesis begins with this quote and continues: “Telling stories is an ancient need, but this is not a story, it is an attempt to help someone

Giovanni Michelucci. The thirty anniversary of his death: an opportunity to visit the home-studio

Before the celebrations for the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Giovanni Michelucci (1990-2020) which falls on December 31, 2020, the Giovanni Michelucci Foundation with the Tuscany Region and the Municipality of Fiesole, promotes “Giovanni Michelucci at Villa Il Roseto: The home-studio of the master”, a cycle of guided tours and meetings from 16 October to 28 November 2020. Here the program

A short speech for #mycityoftomorrow

Urban life, spin off of the University of Florence, launched the initiative #mycityoftomorrow, a reflection on the city of tomorrow in the light of the current pandemic crisis. I contributed with a brief reflection (Italian): while the page to access the various comments is here:

Cities at the time of Covid

Urban public space is a space of relationships, marked by bodies, meetings, randomness, by a spontaneous order that cannot accept anything other than rules of common sense and not of imposition, if we want call this space public. It is a stage for the lives of all of us, who want to stay on the foreground or in the background, protagonists or extras in the urban comedy and, as in

In the midst of things. Cities and in-between spaces. A book by Iacopo Zetti and Maddalena Rossi

The book “In mezzo alle cose” has won the INU Urbanism Literature 2020 award in section monograph. The book relates a research experience that focused on in-between. Places on the margin of urban centralities, even when inside them, pieces of countryside escaped to buildings, small lots that make friction to the flow of the built environment that invades the valley bottom, errors of rational planning, brownfield, portions of infrastructures and

Delhi. Density and rarefaction

According to some sources Delhi is the world’s most populous metropolis. 22 million souls inhabit the huge conurbation (2013) and whether these are the right numbers or, just, the 16.5 million people of the official statistics, is a huge amount. But Delhi can surprise because of its absolute contrast in distributing so many inhabitants in so incredibly different ways. If we consider the two historical areas of Old Delhi and

Inland Habana

Inlandsis is the word that identifies Antarctica and Goenlandia and literally identifies a glacier inside the mainland. Nothing more different than the warm, often torrid, Caribbean island. The Habana, however, is a city that, if travelled along the lines that separate it from the sea or along the lines of its inner land, strongly changes its appearance. The first city is known by the international tourism, by the images now

The post-socialist city. Budapest between globalization and past heritage

1989 is the year of the definitive disappearance of the bloc of the socialist republics which, since the Second World War, have marked the events of Europe. The year of the demolition of the Berlin Wall, the year of the “velvet revolutions”. The short time before the end of the century marks the countries of socialist Europe with profound transformations. New perspectives open up, new cultural, political and social exchanges